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Basic usage

If you have downloaded the git version, you will see that it includes a demosite app, which demonstrates the use of django-files. In the demosite we have a model called Shape which we will use through this documentation as the object we relate our attachments to.

The demosite/ file

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class Shape(models.Model):
    SHAPES = (
        (u"square", u"Square"),
        (u"rectangle", u"Rectangle"),
        (u"triangle", u"Triangle")
    COLORS = (
        (u"red", u"Red"),
        (u"blue", u"Blue"),
        (u"green", u"Green"),
        (u"yellow", u"Yellow")
    shape = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=SHAPES)
    color = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=COLORS)
    descr = models.TextField(_("description"), blank=True, null=True)
    class Meta:
        unique_together = ["color", "shape"]
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%s %s" % (self.color, self.shape)

Let’s assume we create a row in our database like this

>>> from demosite.models import Shape
>>> s = Shape(shape="square", color="green", descr="A green square")
>>> Shape.objects.all()
[<Shape: green square>]

We now have a green square object which we can add some attachments to.

Hooking into the attachments framework

If you have ever used the Comments framework in Django, this should be quite familiar. The django-files app comes with a number of template tags which are used to manage the attachments related to objects.


Remember to load the attachment template tags into your context like this.

{% load attachments %}

Say we have a view rendering a template with a single shape object context variable.

Adding attachments


<h1>Render the upload form</h1>

{% load attachments %}


    {% render_attachment_form for shape %}


As in the Comments framework this will render an upload form directly into the context. Or, alternatively, if you wish to render your form fields independently:


{% get_attachment_form for shape as form %}

<form action="{% get_create_target %}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% for field in form %}

        {{ field }}

    {% endfor %}

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{% trans "Upload file" %}" />

In which case you will need to provide the rest of the <form> as well as <submit /> buttons yourself.


get_create_target() can be used to retrieve the url for the view which should accept the POST request.

The form template will search a number of location for a template, and return the first that match, so that you can easily override the default template.

more info See Override default templates for more info how to customize your templates.

Listing attachments

Similary we can render a list of attachments related to an object by using the


{% render_attachment_list for shape %}

Or get the list as a context variable


{% get_attachment_list for shape as attachment_list %}

{% for attachment in attachment_list %}

    {{ attachment }}

{% endfor %}

Editing attachments

The edit form works in the same manners as the create form, with both a method for rendering the form directly into the context, or to store the form in a context variable and manually render the individual fields of the form.


<h1>Render the edit form</h1>

{% load attachments %}


    {% get_attachment_list for shape as attachment_list %}

        {% for attachment in attachment_list %}

            {% render_attachment_editform for attachment %}

        {% endfor %}



{% get_attachment_editform for attachment as form %}

<form action="{% get_edit_target attachment %}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% for field in form %}

        {{ field }}

    {% endfor %}

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{% trans "Save changes" %}" />


When rendering the edit form manually, you must use the get_edit_target() or the get_edit_url() tag as the form action (They calls the same method, so either is fine).

Counting attachments

Get a count of related attachments to some object.


{% get_attachment_count for shape as attachment_count %}

{{ shape }} has got {{ attachment_count }} attachments.

Retrieving URL’s

The follwing tags are available for resolvin URL’s for attachments.

Create attachment URL


Takes no arguments.

Reverse the named URL view-attachment, which calls the AttachmentCreateView

View attachment details URL


Requires an attachment slug argument.

Reverse the named URL view-attachment, which calls the AttachmentDetailView

Edit attachment URL

files.templatetags.attachments.get_edit_url() files.templatetags.attachments.get_edit_target()

Requires an attachment slug argument.

Reverse the named URL edit-attachment, which calls the AttachmentEditView

Delete attachment URL


Requires an attachment slug argument.

Reverse the named URL delete-attachment, which calls the AttachmentDeleteView

Download attachment URL


Requires an attachment slug argument.

Reverse the named URL download-attachment, which calls the AttachmentDownloadView